First-Time NFT Collection

Identity Creation

Plugin Installation

  1. Open the Google Store and search for Dataverse.

2. Click on the plugin to install it and Google Chrome will complete the installation automatically.

3. Once the installation is complete, you can see the Dataverse shortcut icon at the top right of the screen on the web page.

4. Click on the Dataverse Google extension to quickly turn the favorites feature on or off. When turning off the plugin curation function, the hover icon on the web page disappears.

Login to Dataverse to create an identity

  1. Visit the dataverse website at

2. Connect and authorize the wallet. [ Authorization does not involve the asset layer at all and does not interact with user assets. ]

3. Enter the Dataverse space and identity creation is complete.

4. For the collected data, you can switch the order of arrangement in the upper right corner.

Folder creation

  1. Click "+" to create a new folder.

2. Name the folder and the user can choose whether to make the folder public or not.

Different types of document collection

To install the Dataverse plugin:

NFT Document Collection

  1. Click to login to the Opensea website.

2. Move the mouse over the NFT image and the Curate icon appears in the upper right corner.

3. Click on the "Curate" and there will be a pop-up window for successful collection.

4. Let's try toufu NFT. Shall we?

5. on the "Curate". There will be a pop-up window for successful collection.

Article collection

  1. Randomly open a Mirror article.

2. Click the shortcut icon on the right side of the page to curate, and there is a pop-up window for successful collection.

3. Let's try the cointelegraph article then.

4. Randomly open an article and click the shortcut icon to complete the collection.

Video collection

  1. Go to the YouTube website and open a video.

2. Click on the shortcut icon to complete the collection.

3. You can even make a video curated on bilibili.

Last updated