Dataverse Big Family

A six-person adventure family dedicated to exploring the metaverse🌛

In the uncharted and imaginative metaverse, there is a mysterious Dataverse family. They are not related to each other but are connected and united by their belief in crypto.

Family Role

  • Dataverse Founder Alpha (Male 🔵)

  • DeFi Dweller Owen(Male 🔵)

  • NFT Professional Trader Dana(Female 🟣)

  • NFT Artist&Writer Sophia(Female 🟣)

  • DAO Community Leader Heath(Male 🔵)

  • Granny with considerable ETH Betty(Female 🟣)


As the founder of Dataverse, he is a project leader with 200% creativity and passion. Thinking differently and acting boldly are what remark him.

As the soul pillar of Dataverse, he acted, act, and will act as the captain of this meta-spacecraft, riding the waves and leading everyone in the big family to the encrypted shore of dreams.

Alpha is featured in the weekly and monthly reports as a founder:

"Hello guys, it's been another busy week. Let's take a look at what new upgrades Dataverse has recently come up with!"

"Alpha looking forward to hearing from you!"

In addition, Alpha is responsible for certain rigorous and formal events.


As a DeFi Dweller, Owen has been enthusiastically immersing himself in exploring various convoluted Defi Protocols.

His humble, studious, resolute and bold character allows him to not be influenced by market FOMO sentiment and always correctly assert his judgment (Surely, it is not the case when it comes to NFT, a whole new world for Owen).

Owen plays more of a product experience officer role, having known Dana as a good friend since childhood. You may see Owen whenever there is a trending topic in the NFT world.

"Avax is down again today. Shouldn't have held on to their new mining pool before."

"The latest Yacht boats are so hot. Should I get a few for Dana? Will she like them?"


A professional NFT investment "warrior woman". Her keen market sense, aggressive investment strategy, and strong network of contacts have managed her to overcome challenges in terms of NFT and shaped her into a very powerful "NFT whale" in the minds of many.

Dana has a small team of her own that specializes in trading NFT for profit. She is a cautious, helpful, risk-taking person who enjoys high-risk projects.

Dana often offers her own insights into some of Owen's attempts and went to college with Heath. She will be present during some of NFT's new hot spots and to introduce new Dataverse features.

"Alpha recently came up with a new category bar and I'm glad he was the first to tell me about it, it's really fascinating to use."

"Owen, it's vital not to overthink NFT. The social attributes, group consensus and cultural beliefs behind it are much more powerful than you think they are.


Imagine Sophia as an NFT creator with a unique and diverse style. Between timeless classics and cutting-edge innovations, she is like a delicate kaleidoscope, reflecting the versatile charm of NFT art. Humour and sociability are the character traits of this cyber rose that blooms at the glue of virtual and reality.

Sophia is a new-age modern girl with a passion for trends and art; she will play the role of NFT creator, mainly active under the Dataverse "created" section. She often seeks out Dana for consultation and will be seen from time to time on various UI optimizations for Dataverse, as well as curating exhibitions, collaborating with artists, and many other scenarios.

"Is there anything more physically and mentally pleasing than the new manicure I did today? That would be... Dataverse's new catalog bar design! I'm so glad Alpha is using my ideas lol~"

"Another great artist with a forestist vibe has joined us, let Sophia introduce him!"


He is a well-known KOL in the Web3 field with a large number of loyal fans, and act as the leader of several trending DAO communities. In reality, he is a little bit squeamish and quiet. However, when it comes to crypto, you would only know him as an extrovert who loves to chat. He is at the forefront of information and has rich experience in community operations.

Heath is a dope, level 10 web surfer who often invites industry insiders or project teams to conduct AMAs, quiet, introverted, but workaholic. He was originally a fund manager and changed his career path to crypto. Seen with a dual persona of a successful urbanite and a homebody. When organizing AMA and community events, he will definitely appear.

"It's an honor to have Mr. Little Flamingo come to our community to hold AMA~"

"Sometimes I often wonder what kind of activities or benefits people prefer ------ If you have a good idea please message me privately, I appreciate it for real."


A wealthy, magical granny who is fond of astrology and various herbal medicines. Entered the cryptocurrency world with a pension at an early age, and accumulated a tremendous amount of wealth thanks to her rich experience as a professional trader when she was young. Currently, as a personal investor, she likes to invest in innovative and emerging on-chain projects and appreciates young people with creativity.

She is one of the main breadwinners of Dataverse because of his recognition of Alpha. A kind elderly and a food entertained guest. From time to time, she may appear or interact with other members of the family.

"Although I'm too old to understand your new internet phrases, I still think it's pretty cool."

"This meme contest by Dataverse is a lot of fun, and I'm going to give out a great prize to the most creative one!"

Last updated