2022 Dataverse Spacecraft: Auroville

🕰 Time: March 20, 2022 -- June 1, 2022

Dataverse jointly launched the community event with Galaxy, to introduce Dataverse to the vast number of users and help more people to become professional curators.

🗺 To participate:

  1. Follow Dataverse Official Twitter.

  2. Download the Dataverse plugin, and curate at least 1 NFT in the space.

  3. Join the Discord community, and advance to certain levels.

🎖 To earn:

  1. Advance to level 5 and invite one friend to claim the Auroville I spacecraft.

  2. Advance to level 10 and invite three friends to claim the Auroville II spacecraft.

  3. Advance to level 15 and invite five friends to claim the Auroville III spacecraft.

  4. Advance to level 15 and invite ten friends to claim the Auroville IV spacecraft.

🧧 Rewards: Auroville spacecraft badges

Last updated